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Comprehensive Skin Checks for the detection and treatment of skin cancer.
Faqs and general information about your skin health and skin cancer.

Experts in Skin Cancer Medicine is a skin cancer clinic in Nambour, on the Sunshine Coast. It’s the culmination of many years working in the field of Skin Cancer Medicine, and has been purpose built with the view of optimising patient outcomes. Both Dr Scott Wilmot and Dr Mark Devin are trained professionals in the care for all patients. Pop in today for a skin cancer check for peace of mind.
We offer thorough, full body skin checks to carefully examine all skin lesions. From the comfort of our waiting room, you will be escorted by our practice nurse into the spacious consulting rooms. Your nurse will ask you to undress to your underclothes in this private space, but please, feel free to let us know if you would prefer not to. Once sitting on our large, fully electric examination beds, the doctor will view your skin from top to toe. Any odd spots will be studied in closer detail with a dermatoscope; a specialised hand-held diagnostic tool.
You will receive a detailed explanation regarding any findings, and have an opportunity to ask us any questions. If necessary, lesions can be biopsied where any malignant tissue can be removed and treated at the time of your consultation.
It is generally recommended that you have a full skin examination once every 12 months, however some people should have them more frequently. Some medications increase your risk of getting skin cancer, as do health problems like immunosuppression following transplant surgery.
Full Body Skin Checks
We are all at risk of developing melanoma and skin cancer. There are more than 12000 Australians diagnosed with melanoma each year, along with almost 770000 other skin cancers.
Full body skin checks are recommended for everyone.
Spot Checks
For single or specific areas of concern, make an appointment for a Spot Check today.
Second Opinions
If you're unsure about advice received and want optimum care, or simply want a second opinion, our Skin Cancer Doctors are sure to help.
Skin Surgery
Some skin cancers can be treated using creams and other non-surgical means. However if you require the surgical removal of a skin cancer or melanoma, then you can trust our doctors to provide you with the best option. We are able to manage most skin cancers at using simple elliptical excision and primary closure with suturing, but will sometimes need to do a more complex closure with skin flaps or grafts to manage larger lesions or those on cosmetically-sensitive areas such as the face, nose and ears.
We are also able to arrange referrals for you to see another specialist if that is desired or necessary.
Providing on-site Skin surgery for both simple and complex procedures, including skin flaps and grafts on all areas.